
Monday, November 21, 2011

Self-Concept and Self-Esteem Designs

In Speech we are beginning Chapter 5, about Self-Concept and Self-Esteem.  Self-concept in communication is explored and defined in Chapter 5. There are also guidelines for improving self-concept. Self-esteem is also defined and the relationship between self-concept, self-esteem and communication is discussed.

Students don't seem to realize how much someone can infer from their attire. I had them create T-shirt designs full of things that represent them and then describe the attributes to the class. We learned so much about each other, all while boosting self-concept and self-esteem.


Finished Product:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Kind Words = Kind Students

Today in English 11 we were to go over a section from To Kill a Mockingbird, where words and actions speak volumes. I can never seem to make the students understand how powerful their own words and actions truley are.. until I came across this lesson:

The teacher gave each student two clean crisp sheets of paper. She then instructed the class to crumble up one piece of paper, toss it around, get angry with it, and stomp on it.
After which, she told the students to return to their seats (with their crumpled piece of paper), flatten it out on the top of their desks, making it as flat and perfect as they can, using tape, staples and glue.

When all the students had done their best to iron out the paper the teacher picked up the paper on the first classmates desk, held it up so the entire class could see it and said:

"If this piece of paper had been another person, and you had done all those things to him or her, by making them feel less than perfect (through your words or actions), these are the scars you would leave. That person would never be the same, no matter how many times you tell them you are sorry, no matter how many times you try to smooth things out..."

Upon finishing the excersie I asked the students to take the clean sheet of paper and write a letter to ANYONE in the class they personally thought was having a tough day, week, life and share with them some positive words. A student asked how he was to know if anyone was having any issues and I simply said that everyone has a story to tell, and their own battles everyday.

I would like to be the first to tell you, I began to tear up as I walked around the room and was able to read what the students were writing to strangers. They were able to sign their name OR leave it blank. I am giving the letters out tomorrow and I am floored by the amount of support students will share when given the opportunity.

I took some of the crumpled papers and hung them in the front of the classroom- our goal this week is to be more kind and supportive- we point to the papers when words become mean or hurtful.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. ~Mark Twain

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Goals and Expectations

This week each class is getting a dose of something new. It may be a new novel, a new idea or even a new project. Please visit each course page for more in depth descriptions and assignments.

English 11- Today students turned in their Literature Books and were handed novels! We began the background information about To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. We are visiting information about The Great Depression and Segregation. There will be a reading calendar and more information on the English 11 page.

Mythology- We are moving through Greek gods and goddesses. Chapter by chapter we are learning more about each Greek god/goddesses. Today we actually learned about Demeter and her daughter. We are also watching the History Channel's documentary called "The Greek Gods", it is very interesting. This will all lead up to a few projects and then a research paper/presentation.

Speech- Today we being our first round of speeches! "Speech of Introduction". If you would like to see when your student actually gives their speech and how they will be graded, check out the Speech page!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Classroom Updates

We are on the move in all the classes this week! All of the students are working towards new goals or units. Please feel free to email me if you ever have questions about your students grades. This link to PowerSchool should help you view all the grades. Mid-terms are in two weeks!

English 11- We are flying through our final unit in the American Literature book! We are learning about literature during the Civil War. Realism, Naturalism and Regionalism have taken the lead. We will be starting To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee next week. Students are expected to read at home- keep an eye out.

Mythology- We just finished our first project. You can look at the Mythology page and see what the students are up too. All the notes and projects will be posted on that page. We are beginning our journey through the Greek gods/goddesses this week and next.

Speech- We have completed three chapters and successfully reached class goals set on test averages.
  • Chapter 1 - 78% C+ Average
  • Chapter 2 - 85% B Average
  • Chapter 11 - TBA
Please take a look on the Speech page for a day by day description for our first speech!
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